Saturday, June 11, 2011

Don't Lose the Music: The Best Protection

You may find it strange that I'm covering this but its for your own sake, so bear with me. This is a topic that is very near and dear to DJ's and club and concert goers alike: Our precious ears. Without them we would not be able to enjoy the various audible sensations the world presents to us on a daily basis.

We often forget to take care of them - this includes clearing out the earwax- yeah I said it. What I'm taking about are those endless nights you have wondering around large nightclubs where the music only gets louder as the night progresses. Then when you leave, everything sounds a bit distant yeah? Then when you get home and try to sleep but you cant because of that damn ringing in your ears. It's called Tinnitus and that, my friend, is you going DEAF - slowly. This stuff will catch up with you- trust me. 

Now I'll present to you a great way to not go deaf earlier in life than you need to. Earplugs. Plain and simple. A lot of people complain that most earplugs fall out or they block off the sound and what not and they're right. I tried out a pair of wicked earplugs called the Etymotic Research ER20 ETYPlug Hearing Protection Earplugs. They are SO sweet. You don't lose any quality of the sound and will be able to  hear perfectly after the wild night. The don't look stupid either- I promise you wont looks like a little alien . The best part is that they last forever- come in a nice little case and only cost about 10 bucks. Pretty sweet investment I'd say. 

Do your ears a favour- enjoy music until the day you die- protect thy ears !!

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